
“Let it flow”—A brief Advent meditation on true-entrusting (drawing on an intimation of Henry Bugbee's)

An unexpected, direct link between Shin Buddhism and the Cambridge Unitarian Church

A post-script to my previous post — Amida Buddha, buddha of infinite light and life

That-Which-Is-To-Come — A short Advent meditation on Yeats’ poem, “The Second Coming”

Omnia migrant — A short, Advent meditation on the fundamental condition of movement and migration

An introduction to, and first walk through of, the classic Shin Buddhist text, The Tannisho

Beautiful ruins — stronger by weakness, wiser we can become

A few photos from this weekend’s COP26 Coalition march in Cambridge

A few photos taken over the last week in Cambridge, Fen Ditton and on Grantchester Meadows

Lucifer the light-bringer