
Broken Hosannas—or why it’s religiously important to admit that Palm Sunday (and Easter) can no longer be rendered coherent

Rock or sand, sand or rock? - why the true foundation of the spiritual life might not be what you think it is . . .

A meditation on a Pietà, written for a Mothering Sunday during a time of war

Information is fast and cheap. Knowledge is slow and expensive.

“Only a God can still save us”—a liberal religious confession

“Please save my dolly” — on the sharing of experience and a politics of solidarity

An important article by Volodymyr Artiukh called “The Western Left doesn’t understand Putin – or the world outside the US”

“Love the hell out of this world” — a further lesson to be learnt from the Russian invasion of the Ukraine

A political-theological ghost story — a lesson to be learnt from the Russian invasion of the Ukraine

The goat path ahead less travelled by . . . or Liberal religion back at the crossroads