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Kiitsu Kyōkai — Thursday Zoom Meetings for Seiza Meditation (Quiet Sitting) and Conversation

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Wednesday Photo: The Yoshino cherry (Prunus x yedoensis) in the Cambridge University Botanic Garden

Two good very things—a spring thought for the day in advance of the Cambridge Unitarian Church's AGM

Imaoka Shin'ichirō (1881-1988)—Three introductory talks, and a short film about this Japanese advocate of jiyū shūkyō (a creative, inquiring, free & liberative religion)

Wednesday Photo: Father and daughter paddling off Margate Sands, August 2023

“My Experiment of Seeing God
” (1905) by Tsunashima Ryōsen

Wednesday Photo: Moon over New Square, Cambridge

Early spring blackthorn blossom on Coldham's Brook, Ditton Meadows, Cambridge

Man, dog, boat, river, rowers — a spring morning on the River Cam by Midsummer Common

A Religious Naturalist / Process Theology Lent Course based on the work of Henry Nelson Weiman

Wednesday Photo: An early spring day on the River Cam

Blue Remembered Hills — An elegy for my parents-in-law and the post-war liberal, democratic, rules-based order

Swinging the chaotic flows to better ends . . .