A few photos taken in the fenland around Cottenham, Oakington and Longstanton

A scene along the River Cam near Milton
I had two pastoral visits to pay today, both out in fenland at Cottenham and Oakington. It was one of those days that alternated constantly between bright sunlight and dark brooding clouds threatening rain and, throughout, there was very chilly and occasionally strong NNW wind. There may be no hills in these parts but cycling into the wind on the way out was a reminder that fenland brings its own challenges to the cyclist! Of course, along with its challenges there are many charms and so, in between my two visits, I took the time to stop along the way to look, think and take a few photos which I post here for your enjoyment. They were all taken with my Ricoh GR. Just click on a photo to enlarge it.

A brooding sky between Cottenham and Oakington

The Raleigh Superbe on a track between Cottenham and Oakington

Sheep and trees in the parkland of Westwick Hall

Sheep and trees in the parkland of Westwick Hall

Sheep and trees in the parkland of Westwick Hall

Sheep and trees in the parkland of Westwick Hall

Sheep and trees in the parkland of Westwick Hall

Sheep and trees in the parkland of Westwick Hall

A gate and field near Longstanton

St Michael's, Longstanton

St Michael's, Longstanton

Commemorative bench hard by St Michael's, Longstanton

The Holy Well at St Michael's, Longstanton

Notice in the churchyard of St Michael's, Longstanton

St Michael's, Longstanton

St Michael's, Longstanton

St Michael's, Longstanton

Cottage hard by St Michael's, Longstanton
