
In praise of the NHS and the wonderful pluralist, cosmopolitan, international mix of caring professionals one meets at every turn—a veritable Republic of Heaven

Countering covenantal singularization projects—some thoughts following the recent bomb, van and knife attacks in London and Manchester

Sacred Nature: The Environmental Potential of Religious Naturalism by Jerome A. Stone

Escaping the construings, realities and delusions of election day with a hauntological jaunt to Dunwich, Suffolk

Pentecost —The democratic state as a descendant of the Free Church of the Spirit

Lone Heron on Grantchester Meadows, Cambridge

Two Short Books by Margaret Barr (1899-1973): "The Universal Soul" and "The Great Unity"—A Unitarian interfaith educational pioneer

Cambridge: 'The housing crisis is at breaking point'—An article in today's Guardian newspaper

A grey afternoon and a sunny evening in and around Cambridge—Two black and white photos

I find Cambridge an asylum, in every sense of the word