
"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also" - a brief address before the church's Annual General Meeting

The blossoming of the World-Bud - A religious naturalist Mothering Sunday Meditation

An M. R. James inspired set of photos taken on an evening stroll around Cambridge

A ride to Fulbourn Fen, on to the Roman Road and Wandlebury Rings

Another attempt to short-circuit the parable of the mustard seed

"I will be what I will be" - weird ontology

Solar Ethics - Don’t hide, come out like the sun. Pour yourself out. Burn!

"Riprap" at the Fleece Jazz Club in Stoke-by-Nayland, Suffolk

A few photos from a ride out into the Fens along the Lode's Way

Just a reminder that there is a Sea of Faith Meeting in Cambridge tonight - 5 March 2014 - On Pope Francis' attitudes to non-believers