I took a lovely Epicurean spin on the
Dursley Pederson on Monday out to
Fulbourn Fen. Stunning weather wonderfully restorative - especially after the last two Sundays during which I have made it abundantly clear that I really don't believe in a providential God. Trust me, that's a strain on a minister of religion . . . To some this is close to atheism - in fact some claim it is atheism - though I am inclined not to agree with them. Surely
Deus sive Natura is best thought of as being Divine? It's the mystical pan(en)theist in me coming out. Anyway, here we have the perennial argument about whether Spinoza's "God" can really still be called such without dissembling? Any thoughts?
Whatever the answer you choose to give to this question
Deus sive Natura was in her finest dress on Monday and, for that I give thanks.