
Showing posts with the label Jesus

An anarcho-monarchist reflection at the start of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations

"I have seen in my solitude very clear things that are not true" — on living the liberal religious life *TOGETHER*

L’chaim! — to life!: A religion without God and an ethics without absolutes—A short Easter Sunday reflection

Broken Hosannas—or why it’s religiously important to admit that Palm Sunday (and Easter) can no longer be rendered coherent

Rock or sand, sand or rock? - why the true foundation of the spiritual life might not be what you think it is . . .

A meditation on a Pietà, written for a Mothering Sunday during a time of war

Information is fast and cheap. Knowledge is slow and expensive.

Feeling the double movement of roots and fruits

Faith does not consist in believing something wonderful . . .

“Let it flow”—A brief Advent meditation on true-entrusting (drawing on an intimation of Henry Bugbee's)

Beautiful ruins — stronger by weakness, wiser we can become

A Halloween ghost story for the start of the COP26 climate change meetings in Glasgow

Levelling up?

Jesus or Barabbas, Carl Schmitt and Little Red Riding Hood — a cautionary tale for twenty-first-century liberals

“Firm ground is not available ground” — why building one’s religion and philosophy on sand rather than rock might actually be a very good idea