
A few photos from an early autumn walk by the River Cam through Grantchester Meadows

Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, Elizabeth Regina, requiescat in pace (A Republican perspective)

A gentle plea for a Buddhisto-Christian process religion

“Toward a Buddhisto-Christian Religion” by Charles Hartshorne

Welcoming my myōgō/nembutsu — Renewing a century old Unitarian, Free Christian and Universalist/Jodo Shinshu Buddhist conversation

A Holding Post for August: A radical theology for the future: five theses

Wednesday Photo: Cattle on a very dry Stourbridge Common, Cambridge

Constancy and change are not opposed but inextricably connected

Wednesday Photo: King’s College, tourists and a jogger on The Backs

Kicking the can into hell?—A meditation written during the extreme heatwave in the UK

Wednesday Photo: The Summer Game—Village Cricket in Fen Ditton