
The goat path ahead less travelled by . . . or Liberal religion back at the crossroads

Feeling the double movement of roots and fruits

“No one is ever alone if they can see the countless lives supporting them.”

Faith does not consist in believing something wonderful . . .

What is the Philosophy of Movement? by Thomas Nail — A recommended paper

Exploring the important Shin Buddhist text “The Tannisho” from a Unitarian and Universalist perspective — A series of Wednesday Evening Zoom Conversations

The parable of the mischievously wise physics teacher

On baseball gloves and liberal religion

A few photos of Great Livermere Church and mere in winter

Gold, frankincense and myrrh or a teapot, an empty jam tin, and a cabbage leaf? A short, secular religious thought for Epiphany

John Keat’s ‘negative capability’ and COVID-19

The New Being — A short, secular religious thought for Christmas Day

An Advent meditation on Thomas Hardy’s poem, “The Oxen”, in preparation for Christmas Eve

How to pray to a dead God—A recommended essay by Ed Simon for the online Aeon magazine

“Let it flow”—A brief Advent meditation on true-entrusting (drawing on an intimation of Henry Bugbee's)

An unexpected, direct link between Shin Buddhism and the Cambridge Unitarian Church

A post-script to my previous post — Amida Buddha, buddha of infinite light and life

That-Which-Is-To-Come — A short Advent meditation on Yeats’ poem, “The Second Coming”