
Showing posts with the label Jesus

It’s such a surprise because it’s just the beginning—an Advent meditation

Seek simplicity and distrust it

Love your enemy — a reminder for Remembrance Sunday

Tiny seeds and tiny words of love, freedom and justice. Scatter them. — Resisting the neoliberal onslaught

The work of love, or how to resist in the dark ages

Why Jesus’ commandment that we “love one another” is always already new

Founding a true Commonwealth upon a real common wealth

Not “a cost of living crisis” but a crisis of the neoliberal project

A reasonable but passionate plea for the recovery (or rather, re-story-ation) of apocalyptic language within liberal religion

The fiery rope across generations and geography—a meditation for Pentecost

Our responsibility in society—two readings for Pentecost

An anarcho-monarchist reflection at the start of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations

"I have seen in my solitude very clear things that are not true" — on living the liberal religious life *TOGETHER*