
An early autumn walk along the River Cam from Cambridge through Ditton Meadows to Fen Ditton

Tiny seeds and tiny words of love, freedom and justice. Scatter them. — Resisting the neoliberal onslaught

Wednesday Photo: Summer view from a train

The reflection worth indulging doesn’t know where it is going—A fantasia on a passage by Henry Bugbee

“Selected Writings on Free Religion and Other Subjects” by Shini'chirō Imaoka & “Liberal Religious Reformation in Japan” (1984) by George M. Williams

Juglans elaeopyren, Texan Walnut in the Cambridge University Botanic Garden

The work of love, or how to resist in the dark ages

The poor work for the rich even when they rest alone . . . the Neoliberal Project in the UK ups the ante under Liz Truss.

Why Jesus’ commandment that we “love one another” is always already new

Wednesday Photo: August Bank Holiday Monday fishing in Harwich opposite Felixstowe Port—a last calm, warm, moment before the cold winter’s coming storms . . .

A few photos from an early autumn walk by the River Cam through Grantchester Meadows

Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, Elizabeth Regina, requiescat in pace (A Republican perspective)

A gentle plea for a Buddhisto-Christian process religion